15 matches found beginning with the letter L
The Landmap Service provides a high quality spatial data download service including optical, radar, elevation and features information.
Law Trove - Oxford University Press
The Law Trove platform from Oxford University Press contains around 200 law textbooks covering a wide range of legal subject areas.
Web directory for legal resources.
Lawtel UK
Lawtel is a key online provider of up to date legal information.
Legal resources in the UK and Ireland
Web directory to free legal Internet sites for consumers, lawyers and companies.
Lexis+ UK
Lexis+ UK contains the up-to-date text of UK legislation, law reports, legal encyclopaedias and commentaries.
Library of Congress
The Library of Congress Online Catalog is a database of books, serials, computer files, manuscripts, cartographic materials and more.
Linguist List, The
Large online linguistics resource, including directory of links, academic papers, dissertation abstracts.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning (previously Lynda.com) is an online learning platform offering almost six thousand video-based courses covering a huge array of subjects.
LION (Literature Online)
Literature Online is a fully searchable library of more than 350,000 full text works of English and American poetry, drama and prose.
LISTA (Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts)
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) indexes more than 600 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings.
Literary Encyclopedia, The
The Literary Encyclopedia is a wide-ranging reference work focused on literary and cultural history.
Live court listings
Access to Crown Court daily lists.
Local Acts
Links to the full text of all Local Acts from 1991 onwards.
LS:N Global
LS:N Global is a subscription-based insights platform that documents new consumer behaviour and key industry trends.
The Find Databases service has been developed by
Libraries and Learning Resources at Nottingham Trent University