27 matches found beginning with the letter B
BAILII (British and Irish Legal Information Institute)
Access to selected case law and legislation for England and Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and the United Kingdom.
BCIS (Building Cost Information Service)
The database includes: building cost, tender and output indices; regional price indices; forecasts of cost and price trends; economic indicators; daywork rates and construction statistics.
BFI Player
BFI Player is a video on-demand streaming service - from the British Film Institute (BFI) - showing critically acclaimed, landmark and archive films.
BHI (British Humanities Index)
BHI is the Web version of British Humanities Index, the international abstracting and indexing tool for research in the humanities
Bibliography of British and Irish history
The Bibliography of British and Irish History Online provides bibliographic data on historical writing dealing with the British Isles, and with the British empire and commonwealth, during all periods for which written documentation is available – from 55BC to the present
BIDA (British Interior Design Association)
BIDA exists to promote and support interior design professionals. The site includes an image bank, directory of suppliers, etc.
BizMove.com: the Small Business Knowledge Base
A comprehensive free resource of small business information.
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States
An archival document service focussing on African American efforts to secure civil and human rights
Bloomsbury Fashion Central
Bloomsbury Fashion Central is a digital hub for interdisciplinary research in fashion and dress. It includes major reference works, articles, eBooks, video content, runway and backstage photos from fashion shows.
Bloomsbury Music and Sound
Bloomsbury Music and Sound provides access to reference content, scholarship, and a variety of learning resources across a range of subject areas in music and sound studies.
BoB (Box of Broadcasts)
BoB is an off-air recording and media archive service allowing you to record TV and radio programmes being broadcast over the next seven days, as well as retrieving programmes from the last 30 days.
BRAD Insight
The British Rates And Data directory, better known as BRAD, is the comprehensive online authority for essential advertising information on over 12,800 UK media titles.
Bridgeman Education
Bridgeman Education is a digital image database for educational use and offers access to over 200,000 images from a range of periods, styles and movements from prehistory to the present day.
British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries 1500-1950
Spanning more than 300 years, British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries bring researchers the personal experiences of nearly 500 women as revealed in over 90,000 pages of diaries and letters.
British Association for the Advancement of Science (Collections on the History of Science)
The archive of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) and connected collections.
British Education Index
The British Education Index provides information on research, policy and practice in education and training in the UK.
British Government and Politics on the Internet
Links to government and politics web resources covering the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland)
British Historic Newspapers and Periodicals
Gale primary sources provides access to six collections of British historic newspapers and periodicals
British Library Newspapers
Drawn from the British Newspaper Archive, this collection of regional newspapers spans the years 1732 to 1950
British Library Public Catalogue
The British Library Public Catalogue (BLPC) provides access to the main British Library catalogues, describing over ten million items.
British Library Sounds
British Library Sounds presents 50,000 recordings and their associated documentation from the Library’s collections of sound recordings from all over the world.
British Periodicals 1680s-1930s
Among the periodicals in included in British Periodicals are titles founded, edited or regularly contributed to by a host of important figures.
British Progressive Links - the left and more
Links to various strands of left-wing thought.
British Standards Online
A searchable database of British standards with access to the full text of current standards.
BSRIA (Building Services Research and Information Association)
BSRIA (Building Services Research and Information Association) provides full text access to technical publications for building services and construction.
Business of Fashion
The Business of Fashion is an international news and features services aimed at "fashion creatives, executives and entrepreneurs" that provides fashion business intelligence.
Business Source Complete
This database contains nearly 5,000 academic, trade and popular journals and magazines covering all aspects of business and management.
The Find Databases service has been developed by
Libraries and Learning Resources at Nottingham Trent University