Social Care Online is provided free by the Social Care Institute for Excellence and is the UK's largest online database of information on all aspects of social work and social care. It includes legislation, government documents, practice and guidance, systematic reviews, research briefings, UK grey (informally-published) literature, books, text books and journal articles. The database contains around 155,000 records from the 1980s onwards. Please note the Social Care Online database is no longer being updated but will continue to be available until the end of December 2023.
Subscription type: Free (open)
Coverage: Current
Accessibility: Accessibility statement
Criminology and Youth Justice Youth Justice
Education, Teacher Training, Childhood and Youth Studies Childhood and Early Years
Education, Teacher Training, Childhood and Youth Studies PE and Sports Education
Education, Teacher Training, Childhood and Youth Studies Youth Studies
Law Medical and Mental Health Law
Psychology, Sociology and Counselling Psychology and Counselling
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