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 ICE Virtual LibraryeBook and eJournal content

eBook and eJournal content

The ICE Virtual Library hosts all of ICE Publishing's e-content including: over 1400 eBooks; 34 peer-reviewed journals; and archives of current and legacy journals and proceedings.

The JISC ICE Virtual Library archive Agreement includes the following journals:

* Transactions of the Institution of Civil Engineers (1836-1842)

* Life of Telford (1838)

* Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (1837-1935)

* ICE Engineering Division Papers (1942-1951)

* Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers (1935-1951)

* Proceedings of the ICE Parts 1 and 2 (1952-1991)

* Proceedings of the ICE - Civil Engineering (1992-2001)

* Proceedings of the ICE - Municipal Engineer (1992-2001)

* Proceedings of the ICE - Structures & Buildings (1992-2001)

* Proceedings of the ICE - Transport (1992-2001)

* Proceedings of the ICE - Water Maritime & Energy (1992-1999)

* Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering (1994-2001)

* Proceedings of the ICE - Water and Maritime Engineering (2000-2001)

 Subscription type: Subscription

 Coverage: Archival

 Coverage duration: 1836-2001

 Accessibility: Accessibility statement

 On-campus access

Access: Direct

 Off-campus access

Access: University username and password



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